Former Doctoral and Master’s Students
Young-Mi Go, UAB, Mol and Cell Pathology Graduate Program, 1996-2000 (Ph.D. conferred in May 2000) Assistant Professor, Pulmonary Division at Emory University
Nolan Boyd, BME, Georgia Tech, 1999-2003 (PhD in Dec 2003). Associate Professor with tenure in the Cardiovascular Institute, University of Louisville
Aniket Saha, BME, Georgia Tech, 2001-2003 (MS in 2003) MD in 2007 at St. George Medical School. Currently Internal Medicine Doctor, New York Hospital, NY
Steven Pardo, BME, Georgia Tech, 2001-2003 (MS in 2003), Product Manager, Aurea Energy Solutions, Atlanta, GA
Sarah Coleman, BME, Georgia Tech/Emory, 2002-2005 (Internship 2003/2004) (MS in 2005) (Robertson Fellowship Fellow) Currently in an US Government agency, AL
Manu Platt, BME, Georgia Tech/Emory, 2002-2006 (PhD in 2006) (Howard Hughes Scholar, Jenkins NASA fellow, Hewlett Packard fellow) Associate Professor with tenure, GT/Emory BME Dept. as of Jan. 2009
Michelle Sykes, MD/PHD, BME, Georgia Tech and Medical College of Georgia, 2000-2008 (PhD in 2008) Resident/Fellow at Texas Children’s Hospital
Hannah Song, Bioengineering, Georgia Tech, 2003-2007, (PhD in May 2008) Postdoc at Univ of Toronto
Mamta Patel, Bioengineering, Georgia Tech, 2003-2007, (PhD in May 2008) NASA Houston, Flight Engineer
Amy Mowbray, Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech and Emory University, 2004-2008 (PhD in Aug 2008), AHA predoctoral fellow, Presidential Management Fellow Public Health Advisor, CDC
Sarah (Tressel) Gary, Bioengineering, Georgia Tech, 2003-2008 (PhD in Aug 2008) Postdoctoral Fellow, Tufts University. Senior Science Advisor, ERT
Randy Ankeny, Georgia Tech BE, 2004-2010 (PhD in May 2010) Product Specialist, WL Gore Company, Phoenix, AZ
Chih-Wen Ni, Georgia Tech BE, since 2005 (PhD in Aug 2010) Assistant Professor, Khalid University 2013-2016, Associate Professor, UC Merced, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Noah Alberts-Grill, Emory Univ, Immunology and Molec Pathogenesis 2009-2013 (PhD in 2013) Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Womans Hospital, Senior Product Manager, Illumina since 2015
Casey Holliday, Georgia Tech/Emory, BME, 2007-2012 (PhD, May 2012). Instructor, BME Department, Arizona State University, since 2013
Jinoh Kim, Ewha Womans Univ. Dept of Bioinspired Science, 2010-2015, Postdoc, Ewha Womans University
Jessilyn Dunn, Georgia Tech/Emory Univ., 2010-2015 (PhD, 2015), Postdoc, Stanford University (Michael Schneider Lab) Rachel Simmons, Georgia Tech. BioE, 2012-2017 (PhD, 2017) Joan Fernandez Esmerats, Georgia Tech/Emory Univ., 2013-2018 (PhD, 2018)
Jiahui Zhang, Georgia Tech/Emory Univ., 2015-2020 (PhD, 2020) Moderna, Inc.
Darian Williams, Emory University, 2016-2021 (PhD, 2021) NIH Fellow
Chenbo Xu, 2019-2021 (MD, 2022)
Catherine Demos, Georgia Tech/Emory Univ.,2016-2022 (PhD, 2022)
Past Postdoctoral Fellows
Katalin Sipos, M.D., 1995-1996, Professor, Head, Department of Hemogenetics, University of Pecs, Hungary
Heonyong Park, 1997-2000 (AHA Postdoctoral Fellow: 1998-200), Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Dan Kook University, S. Korea
Barbara Hogg, M.D. Ob-Gyn Fellow, 1998-2000, Private practice, Commonwealth Perinatal
Sung-Dae Moon, M.D. 2000-2001, Professor, Department of Medicine, Catholic University, S. Korea
Yong Chool Boo, Ph.D. 1999-2003 (AHA Postdoctoral fellow: 2002-2004) Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Kyung-Pook National University, S. Korea
Jinah Hwang, Ph.D. 2000-2003 Associate Professor, Myong Ji University, S. Korea
George Sorescu, M.D. 2001-2004. (AHA Postdoctoral Fellow: 2003-2004), Private practice in Wellesley Hills, MA
Susan Lessner, Ph.D. 2004, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering & Cell Biology Department Univ of South Carolina
Sumitra Miryala, Ph.D. 2005. Associate Professor, Cell Biology and Anatomy, Louisiana State University, Shreveport
Christopher Mingone, Ph.D. New York Med College, 2006 (NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship), Adj. Assistant Professor, Berry College, GA
Kyung-Hwa Chang, Ph.D, Kyung Hee Univ.. 2005-2008, Senior Investigator, Korea National Cancer Center, S. Korea
Hyuk Sang Kwon, MD, Catholic University of Korea, 2007-2008, Professor, Internal Medicine, Catholic University of Korea
Douglas Nam, MD, University of Michigan, 2007-2009, NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship, Assistant Professor, Univ of Indiana School of Medicine
Won Jong Rhee, PhD, Seoul National Univ. 2006-2010, Assistant Professor, Univ of Incheon, Korea
Seth Brodie, Ph.D. State Univ of New York, Buffalo, 2007-2009, NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship, Postdoctoral fellow, Emory University
Amir Rezvan, MD. Tehran Univ. 2008-2010, Assistant Professor, Cardiology, Emory University
Soyeon Kim, PhD. Ajou University, Director, Korean National Institute of IRB, Seoul, Korea
Wakako Takabe, PhD, University of Tokyo. 2010-2013, Associate Professor, Doshisha University, Japan
Dong-Ju Son, PhD, Sunchunhyang University, 2009-2013, Assistant Professor, Kyungpook National University
Chanwoo Kim, PhD. Kyung Hee Univ. 2009-2014, Assistant Professor, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
Inhwan Jang, PhD. Pierre and Marie Currie University, 2007-2014, Research Associate, Seoul National University
Ajay Bhatia, MD, PhD. Washington University St. Louis, 2013-2015, Fellow, Stanford University, Pediatrics
Sandeep Kumar, PhD, University of Pune, 2011-2015, Currently Assistant Professor, Emory University, BME Department
Salim Raid Thabet, MD. American Univ of Beirut Faculty of Medicine, Since 2014 NIH T32 Postdoctoral Fellow 2014-2015, AHA Postdoctoral fellowship 2015-2016, Cardiology Fellow, Emory University, Cardiology
Jack Heath, PhD, Univ. Alabama at Birmingham, 2014-2016, Currently, Life Science specialist, Leica
Collins Ezeuka, MD. Meharry Medical College, MD, 2015-16, Funded by the NIH Diversity Supplement Fund in 2016 Marwa Mahmoud, PhD, Sheffield University, 2016-2017
Juyoung Kim, PhD, Emory University, 2019-2021
Aitor Andueza, PhD, , 2019-2022
Kitae Ryu, PhD, , 2018-2022
Sabbatical Visiting Professors
Heonyong Park, PhD. Prof, Dankook University 2008-2009
Kihwan Kwon, MD Associate Prof. Ewha Womans University, Cardiology 2008-2010
Mahsa Dabagh, PhD Assistant Prof. Lappeenranta University of Technology, 2013
Chih-Wen Ni, PhD, Assistant Prof. Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2014
Huang-Joe, Wang, MD, PhD, Associate Prof. China Medical University Hospital, 2015
Summer Research Medical Students
1992: David C. Ayre, M.D. (Current position, private practice)
1993: Natalie Irby-Smith, M.D., Won Charles D. Kochakian Award at Medical Student Research Day,
1996: Robert Law, First Place Winner at Medical Student Research Day. Represented UAB at the National Medical Student Research Day, Galveston TX, 1997. (Current position, Resident in Neurology, Johns Hopkins Medical School, MD).
1998: Ritesh Dharji, Second Place Winner at Medical Student Research Day
2009: Grant Kim, University of Miami School of Medicine
2010: Vivian Jen-Wei Sheng, Emory University School of Medicine
Undergraduate Student Research
1995: Jun Rong, Currently Resident at UAB
1996: Brandon Peters, Birmingham Southern University
1997-99: Neepa Ray, Vanderbilt University 1999: Lacey Mitchell, Auburn University
1998: Lance Justice, UAB
2000: Jonnathan Friedman, Currently at UC San Diego, BME Graduate Program
2000: Christina Easley, Accepted to GT-Emory BME graduate program
2000: Brooke E. Eaton, Washington University
2001: Kenneth Dupont, GT Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student
2001-2002: Kelly Griendling, GT Aerospace Engineering student
2003: Su Kim, Emory University, Summer Intern
2003: Randy Ankeny, Univ Nebraska, Bioengineering. (GT REU Fellow)
2004: Heather Allen, Emory Biology (Am Heart Assn Undergraduate Fellowship)
2004: Ryan Griffin, Tulane University BME (Presented a poster at 2004 BMES meeting)
2004: Bryan Price, Morehouse College (GT REU fellow)
2005: Heather Allen, Emory University (SURE fellow) – Won the Best Poster Award
2005: Marcus Jackson, Moorehouse College (GT REU Fellow)
2005: Nicklaus Tomsen, Univ Nebraska, (GT REU Fellow)
2005-2006: Saujanya Vadoothker, GT BME (GT PURA Fellow)
2005-2006: Michael Taylor, Emory University
2005: Debbie Lu, Northwestern University
2006: Christine Hartzell, Georgia Tech Aerospace Eng (GT PURA Fellow)
2006: April Kooy, Clayton State University (GT REU Fellow)
2007: Sarah Gerbig, Western Michigan University (FT, REU Fellow)
2008: Jong Lim, University of Virginia
2009: Erin Block, University of Virginia
2009: Joshua Kang, Auburn University
2009: Jesse Barnes, Northwestern University (Currently medial student at Emory Medical School)
2009: Wooseok Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology (Research staff at Harvard School of Medicine)
2010: Edward Yoon, KAIST, Korea (Currently KAIST Grad Student)
2011: Hyon Ji Lee, Georgia Tech
2011: Kyu Hyun Kim, KAIST, Korea (Currently medical student at Yonsei Medical School)
2011-: Holly Payne, Georgia Tech, BME (Currently GT BME Grad School)
2012: Shuntol R. Holloway, Georgia Tech, (GT SURE Fellow)
2013: Ryan Hoffman, Georgia Tech, BME (Currently GT BME Grad School
2015-2016: Fanwei Gong, Georgia Tech, BME 2017: Hyun Sook Kim, Ewha Women's University, Pharmacology